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Znaider, Orozco‐Estrada & Tonkünstler Orchestra: Grafenegg Summer Festival

About the Event

This evening three compositional giants will meet – each of whom has left his unmistakable mark on music history — Ravel, Sibelius, and Stravinsky.

Beginning with Ravel and his ironic fantasy on the Viennese Waltz, moving on to Sibelius and his grandiose Violin Concerto performed with Nikolaj Znaider, before arriving finally at Igor Stravinsky, who is given pride of place in both the prelude with the «Soldier’s Tale», featuring Martin Schwab, and in the evening concert with his groundbreaking «Le Sacre du Printemps». Conducting the Tonkünstler Orchestra Niederösterreich is its Music Director Andrés Orozco‐Estrada.

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