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Sunday Concerts at Conway Hall: London Piano Quartet

About the Event

Experience an unforgettable evening of piano classics at the renowned Conway Hall in London. The talented London Piano Quartet has devoted their inaugural season as an ensemble to showcasing the remarkable piano quartets of Johannes Brahms. This concert series at Conway Hall culminates with the powerful final quartet in C minor, titled 'Werther' after Goethe's renowned novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther.

In addition to Brahms' masterpiece, the programme also includes two early works that showcase the incredible talent of the composers at a young age. Mendelssohn's F minor quartet, composed when he was only 14 years old and dedicated to his music teacher Carl Friedrich Zelter, is a testament to his prodigious skills. Similarly, Walton's quartet, composed at the age of 16, already exhibits the hallmarks of his more mature works, demonstrating the immense potential of the young composer.

Don't miss this opportunity to witness the mastery of these three esteemed composers in one captivating evening. Join us at Conway Hall for a mesmerizing concert that will transport you through the timeless beauty of piano classics.

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