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Paris Classical Concerts

Harmonic melodies in enchanting places

Paris is a city where classical music finds a home in enchanting venues, including historic churches that resonate with harmonious melodies. From the exquisite acoustics of Sainte‐Chapelle to the serene ambiance of Saint‐Sulpice and the captivating atmosphere of Église de la Madeleine, these churches provide unique settings for breathtaking classical music performances. Delight in the symphonic sounds and soaring vocals that fill the sacred spaces of Saint‐Germain‐des‐Prés and Saint‐Julien‐le‐Pauvre. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of classical music as it weaves through the hallowed halls of these iconic Parisian churches, offering a transcendent experience for music lovers.

Events found for Paris Classical Concerts

  • Samson: Opéra Comique

    Samson: Opéra Comique

    Paris, Opéra Comique

    + more dates

    $ 63
  • Les Sentinelles: Opéra Comique

    Les Sentinelles: Opéra Comique

    Paris, Opéra Comique

    + more dates

    $ 43
  • La Grande affabulation: Opéra Comique

    La Grande affabulation: Opéra Comique

    Paris, Opéra Comique

    + more dates

    $ 22
  • Sémiramis & Don Juan: Opéra Comique

    Sémiramis & Don Juan: Opéra Comique

    Paris, Opéra Comique

    + more dates

    $ 63
  • Faust: Opéra Comique

    Faust: Opéra Comique

    Paris, Opéra Comique

    + more dates

    $ 63
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Paris Classical Concerts