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Ravel's Bolero: Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona

About the Event

Two orchestras and two choirs: twice as exciting. Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès joins forces with its youth orchestra, Jove Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès. Additionally, two youth choirs, one of them from the world‐renowned Orfeó Català, take the stage to perform Ravel's Bolero as well as works by R. Schumann, Pärt and Respighi.

Practical Information

Symphonic Concerts at the Palau
The Vallès Symphony Orchestra's cycle, integrated into the Palau's season, offers imaginative programming and energetic performances.

Please note: In some areas of the Palau de la Música Catalana, some seats have a partially obstructed view of the stage. Palau de la Música Catalana recommends Category A for the finest and completely unobstructed view of the performance.

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