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Jiří Kylián: Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon

About the Event

Discover Jiří Kylián's 'One of a Kind' on the stage of Opéra de Lyon, with striking geometrical set design by Japanese architect Atsushi Kitagawara.

'One of a Kind' is one of the few long works by the famous Czech choreographer, who usually prefers shorter pieces. In this ballet in three acts, which entered the repertoire of the Opéra de Lyon Ballet in 2008, Kylián offers a hymn to humankind and an ode to freedom, through solos, duets, and trios that alternate between frantic speed and meditative slowness.

Cast / Production

Conception and choreography Jiri Kylian
Music Brett Dean
Cello Matthew Barley
Scenography Atsushi Kitagawara
Costumes Joke Visser
Textiles Yoshiki Hishinuma
Lights Michael Simon

Ballet of the Opéra de Lyon

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