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Choral Music

Voices joined in song: It is one of the most powerful and emotionally charged sounds imaginable. Choral music captures the unique timbre of human voices, whether a cappella or with instrumental accompaniment. Discover the many facets of choral music, from the earliest sacred compositions to contemporary experimental works.

Events found for Choral Music

  • Viennese Advent — The Advent Concert  by the Wiener Symphoniker at St. Stephen's

    Viennese Advent — The Advent Concert by the Wiener Symphoniker at St. Stephen's

    Vienna, Stephansdom

    1 h 30 min
    $ 43
  • Christmas Concert: Église de la Madeleine in Paris

    Christmas Concert: Église de la Madeleine in Paris

    Paris, Eglise de la Madeleine

    $ 27