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Die Forelle: styriarte 2011

About the Event

Danjulo Ishizaka and Markus Schirmer, slipping into the roles of commissioner and composer, have gathered together some of their favourite chamber music partners in Graz’s Stefaniensaal to perform Schubert's "Die Forelle".

Upon hearing Franz Schubert’s The Trout, civil servant and cellist Sylvester Paumgartner from Steyr “was enchanted by the delightful little ditty” and so commissioned the creator to write variations of it. The result was to be a piano quintet with a substantial part for the cello, of course. Thus, Schubert’s most popular instrumental piece was born.

Christian Altenburger, violin
Thomas Selditz, viola
Danjulo Ishizaka, violoncello
Nabil Shehata, contrabass
Markus Schirmer, piano

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