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Asya Fatayeva & lautten compagney Berlin at Martin‐Luther‐Kirche

About the Event

Henry Purcell is considered the most famous English composer of the baroque era. His style combines memorable melodies with grooving rhythms – one might say his music enjoyed something akin to pop status in 17th‐century London. More than 300 years later, in 1962, the Beatles released their first single, launching modern pop culture in the 20th century. The saxophone, which Adolphe Sax had patented in Paris in 1846, seems predestined for this music, taking a leading role in jazz and pop music alike, but also unfolding wondrous effects in early music. The saxophone player Asya Fateyeva, one of the outstanding representatives of this instrument, and the lautten compagney BERLIN, an ensemble playing on historical instruments, build an impressive bridge between the centuries.

»Baroque Goes Pop«
Works by The Beatles and Henry Purcell

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