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American String Quartet at Philharmonie Berlin

About the Event

The performances of the American String Quartet have been praised as luxurious and beautifully crafted by the New York Times. With decades of experience, this internationally renowned ensemble has achieved a sound that is revered worldwide. In 2019, the quartet celebrated its 45th anniversary, and their performances of the complete quartets by Beethoven, Schubert, Schönberg, Bartók, and Mozart garnered critical acclaim. Their recording of the Mozart string quartets, played on a set of Stradivarius instruments, is regarded as the gold standard for this repertoire.

For their upcoming guest appearance in Berlin's Philharmonie chamber music hall, the quartet has prepared a program that includes works by Shostakovich, Ravel, and Mozart's Clarinet Quintet. Joining them on stage will be the German‐Israeli clarinettist Sharon Kam, a versatile artist who has already received the prestigious ECHO Klassik prize for "Instrumentalist of the Year" twice. Kam captivates the audience with her buttery‐soft approach and a round tone that radiates warmth. Her soulful expression and passionate surges seem to transform her instrument into a human voice, as described by the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten.

Overall, the American String Quartet's legacy of luxurious performances, combined with Sharon Kam's captivating artistry, promises an unforgettable evening of chamber music at the Berlin Philharmonie.

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