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Thomas Quasthoff & Amatis Trio at Palais im Großen Garten

About the Event

In a thought‐provoking programme titled »Humanity in War«, Thomas Quasthoff and the Amatis Trio explore the profound impacts of war on individuals. Rather than reducing conflicts to mere statistics, this unique performance aims to shed light on the personal stories and destinies that often go unnoticed. Drawing inspiration from the era of World War I, when letters were the sole means of communication with loved ones, Quasthoff and the Amatis Trio delve into the extraordinary amount of mail exchanged through the military postal service, known as the »Feldpost«. Through their musical interpretations and the letters themselves, they aim to capture the essence of humanity amidst the chaos of war. The historic letters and diaries, when combined with works from the romantic period and modernism, highlight the importance of compassion and mutual understanding. This powerful performance serves as a reminder that respect, esteem, and dignity are the fundamental pillars of any community, even in times of conflict.

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