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Sainte Chapelle Concerts

An inspirational experience in the heart of Paris

Discover the enchanting beauty of La Sainte Chapelle, a magnificent gem located on the Île de la Cité in Paris. Built by Louis IX, known as Saint Louis, to safeguard the revered Crown of Thorns relic, this architectural Gothic masterpiece features stunning stained glass windows that illuminate the space with vibrant hues. Despite enduring damage during the French Revolution, it has been meticulously restored to its former glory. Experience the serene ambiance and captivating melodies of classical music, while knowing that strict security checks ensure a safe environment.

If there is no event available on your preferred date, you will certainly find a suitable alternative in another church in Paris, such as the Eglise Saint‐Germain‐des‐Prés, Eglise Saint‐Paul‐Saint‐Louis, Eglise Saint‐Roch, Eglise de l'Oratoire du Louvre or the Eglise Saint‐Julien‐le‐Pauvre

Events found for Sainte Chapelle Concerts

  • Christmas Concert: Église de la Madeleine in Paris

    Christmas Concert: Église de la Madeleine in Paris

    Paris, Eglise de la Madeleine

    $ 28
  • Faure's Requiem: Église de la Madeleine

    Faure's Requiem: Église de la Madeleine

    Paris, Eglise de la Madeleine

    $ 20
  • Gospel Concert in the Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    Gospel Concert in the Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    Paris, Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    $ 28
  • Ravel's Bolero and Beethoven's 9th Symphony: Eglise de la Madeleine

    Ravel's Bolero and Beethoven's 9th Symphony: Eglise de la Madeleine

    Paris, Eglise de la Madeleine

    $ 38
  • New Year's Concert at La Sainte Chapelle

    New Year's Concert at La Sainte Chapelle

    Paris, La Sainte‐Chapelle

    1 h
    $ 17
  • New Year's Concert — Johann Strauss' Waltzes at Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    New Year's Concert — Johann Strauss' Waltzes at Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    Paris, Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    $ 25
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Sainte Chapelle Concerts