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  • Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rome
    Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rome

Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

Information, Program and Tickets

Built in the 19th century, the Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo is situated in the very heart of Rome, close to the Castel Sant'Angelo and Vatican City. Today, the church is often used for classical concerts, thanks to its unique acoustics. Enjoy one of the concerts in the Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo and receive your secure Classictic e‐Ticket to print conveniently at home.

Events found for Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

  • Italian Opera Experience at Ponte Sant'Angelo

    Italian Opera Experience at Ponte Sant'Angelo

    Rome, Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

    + more dates

    1 h
    $ 36
  • Christmas Concert in Rome

    Christmas Concert in Rome

    Rome, Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

    1 h 20 min
    $ 37
  • New Year's Eve Opera Gala in Rome

    New Year's Eve Opera Gala in Rome

    Rome, Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

    1 h 20 min
    $ 37
  • Happy New Year Opera Gala in Rome

    Happy New Year Opera Gala in Rome

    Rome, Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo

    $ 37
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Chiesa di Ponte Sant'Angelo