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Saint‐Saëns' Organ Symphony, Bernstein, Debussy at Concertgebouw

About the Event

Liza Ferschtman celebrates Leonard Bernstein's 100 anniversary and performs his seductive Serenade. The Maarschalkerweerd‐Organ is the main instrument in the Saint‐Saëns' big Organ symphony.

Liza Ferschtman & Antwerp Symphony Orchestra

Liza Ferschtman and the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra perform Serenade by Bernstein. According to the New York Times Ferschtman's style is 'laser‐like purity and intensity', but above all its versatility. Tender, seductive and nippy, Ferschtman gives everything she has. The Antwerp Symphony Orchestra also plays Saint‐Saëns' beloved organ symphony, with Leo van Doeselaar behind the Maarschalkerweerdorgel.

Bernstein Serenade

Leonard Bernstein wrote his Serenade to a friend, the legendary violinist Isaac Stern. It is therefore almost a violin concert — but with striking roles for piano and percussion. According to Bernstein, the inspiration for the Serenade lay in Plato's work, the dialogue Symposium. Seven characters speak out about love. This produces an equal number of interconnected musical points of view. Not everyone lets each other talk to each other. In the fifth and final movement, the great Socrates is interrupted by an Alcibiade. According to Bernstein, the playful, jazzy result is like a festive dinner.

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