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Piano concert: Modernism meets Romanticism

About the Event

Experience the stunning architecture of Vienna's Peterskirche during an exceptional concert that will captivate your appreciation for piano music. Pianists Ada Sophie Heinke and Tade Theuretzbacher lead the audience on a captivating musical journey from the Romantic period to the modern era. The focus on the modern era features Sergei Prokofiev and Leos Janácek, surrounded by works from Romantic composers like Emilie Mayer, Frédéric Chopin, and Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Both artists offer a unique perspective, highlighting the familiar and introducing the new with their innovative performances. The OPERA in the KRYPTA is renowned for its intimate setting and excellent acoustics, drawing culture enthusiasts from around the globe. The KRYPTA maintains a comfortable temperature year‐round, enhancing the overall concert experience.

Practical Information

The crypt is pleasantly tempered at any time of year.

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