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Patricia Kopatchinskaja at Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

About the Event

Once again, Patricia Kopatchinskaja graces the stage at the Festspielhaus, instantly evoking memories of her remarkable performances from the previous season. It is hard to forget the resounding success of her rendition of Bartók's Sonata during the 2023 Whitsun Festival, where her violin prowess enthralled the audience. Equally unforgettable was her interpretation of Arnold Schönberg's violin concerto, showcasing her unique artistic expression. A true provocateur, Kopatchinskaja consistently pushes the boundaries of traditional repertoire, often selecting lesser‐known works to captivate her listeners. This time, she undertakes the challenge of Schumann's Violin Concerto, a composition that was once seldom heard but has now gained a devoted following due to its unconventional treatment of the solo violin.

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