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Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla: The Four Seasons

About the Event

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Baroque music at Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville. Experience the incredible performance that brings masterworks from Antonio Vivaldi to life. The highlight of the evening is undoubtedly The Four Seasons, a spellbinding composition that evokes a range of emotions. From the lively and spirited 'Spring' to the melancholy and poignant 'Winter,' this piece is truly a beloved gem in Baroque repertoire. As the audience eagerly awaits the live performance, the solo violinist bravely faces the devilishly difficult technical challenges presented by this virtuosic masterpiece.

The Baroque Orchestra of Seville (Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla — OBS) showcases its exceptional talent in this performance of The Four Seasons. As recipients of the National Award for Music in 2011, the OBS is regarded as one of the most prestigious orchestral ensembles in Europe. Under the skilled guidance of conductor Andrea Marcon, a specialist and close collaborator of the OBS, the orchestra creates a mesmerizing atmosphere. Adding to the allure, the soloist, Chouchane Siranossian, enchants the audience with her impressive violin skills.

Originally composed in 1721, The Four Seasons was published in 1725 as part of Vivaldi's collection, Il cimento dell´armonia e dell´inventione, Op. 8. This collection, which includes eight other violin and orchestra concerti, marked a departure from the traditional concerto grosso style of the time. Instead, Vivaldi introduced a virtuosic and solo‐focused model that continues to captivate audiences even three centuries later. Don't miss the opportunity to witness this timeless masterpiece at Teatro de la Maestranza — an experience that promises to be unforgettable.

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