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Oratorio del Gonfalone: Duo Alphorn & Bayan

About the Event

Prepare to be captivated by the magnificent architecture of Rome's breathtaking Oratorio del Gonfalone, as it sets the stage for an unforgettable concert that will deepen your appreciation for chamber music. Renowned musicians Carlo Torlontano and Massimiliano Pitocco will showcase their incredible talent on the alphorn and accordion, presenting a mesmerizing repertoire.

The program for the evening is a carefully curated collection of works by esteemed composers. It begins with Rainer Bartesch's "Silent Mountains," a piece that transports listeners to the serene beauty of nature. This is followed by Anton Zimmermann's "Sinfonia Pastoritia," an enchanting composition that evokes pastoral imagery.

Next, the audience will be treated to Johann Sebastian Bach's magnificent "Fantasia in sol minore BWV 542," a masterful piece that highlights Bach's genius as a composer. Giovanni D'Aquila's "The great Horn of Helm" follows, showcasing the horn's powerful and expressive capabilities.

Franck Angelis' "Impasse" takes center stage next, enveloping the audience in its rich and evocative melodies. Jean Daetwyler's "Appel à la prière" follows, offering a spiritual and contemplative experience.

The program continues with Arvo Pärt's "Pari Intervallo," a serene and minimalist composition that invites listeners to embrace moments of introspection. The evening reaches its crescendo with Viascheslov Semionov's "Sonata n. 1 (Presto ritmico)," a lively and vibrant piece that showcases the accordion's versatility.

Finally, the concert concludes with Leopold Mozart's charming "Sinfonia Pastorella," a delightful composition that perfectly encapsulates the pastoral spirit.

Immerse yourself in this exceptional concert at Rome's Oratorio del Gonfalone and embark on a musical journey that will leave a lasting impression.

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