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La Vestale: Opéra National de Paris

About the Event

This incredible opera by Spontini comes back on the stage of the Paris Opera after almost 150 years of absence in a wonderful production by Lydia Steier.

Cast / Production

Music: Gaspare Spontini
Libretto: Étienne de Jouy
Conductor: Bertrand de Billy
Chorus master: Ching‐Lien Wu
Director: Lydia Steier
Set design: Étienne Pluss
Costume design: Katharina Schlipf


Julia: Elza van den Heever
Licinius: Michael Spyres
La Grande Vestale: Eve‐Maud Hubeaux
Cinna: Julien Behr
Le Souverain Pontife: Jean Teitgen
Le Chef des Aruspices, un consul: Florent Mbia

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