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La Damnation de Faust: Paris Opera

About the Event

Conducted by Philippe Jordan, this production of Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust" by stage director Alvis Hermanis marks the return of Jonas Kaufmann and Bryn Terfel to the Paris Opera.

Sung in French, with English and French surtitles.

Cast / Production

Music Director, Philippe Jordan
Stage Director, Alvis Hermanis
Sets, Alvis Hermanis
Costumes, Christine Neumeister
Lighting, Gleb Filshtinsky
Video, Katrina Neiburga
Choreography, Alla Sigalova
Chorus Master, José Luis Basso

Marguerite: Sophie Koch
Faust: Jonas Kaufmann (Dec. 5 — 20)
Bryan Hymel (Dec. 23 — 29)
Méphistophélès: Bryn Terfel
Brander: Edwin Crossley‐Mercer
Voix céleste: Sophie Claisse

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