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Hope — Vogler — Deutsches Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Rakitina at Frauenkirche Dresden

About the Event

For a unique concert evening, two exceptional musicians will come together: Daniel Hope, the violinist and artistic director of the Frauenkirche, and Jan Vogler, the cellist and intendant of the Musikfestspiele. Their performance will be accompanied by the Deutsches Symphonie‐Orchester (DSO) Berlin, conducted by the extraordinary Anna Rakitina. Rakitina, born in Moscow in 1989, is one of the most captivating conductors of the younger generation.

The concert will begin with a focus on renowned film scores and their composers. The centerpiece of this segment will be the highly romantic Sinfonia concertante for violin and cello, composed by Miklós Rózsa. Rózsa is famous for his scores in cinematic classics such as "Quo vadis?" and "El Cid." Written alongside his well‐known score for "Ben Hur," this work carries the same epic spirit and features musical allusions to his Hungarian homeland.

In the second part of the concert, the orchestra, led by Rakitina, will immerse themselves in Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5. This symphony is well‐known and greatly admired in concert halls around the world, showcasing Tchaikovsky's musical mastery.

By bringing together these exceptional musicians and paying homage to both film music and classical repertoire, this concert promises to be an unforgettable and extraordinary experience for all in attendance.

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