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Don Giovanni: Teatro Comunale di Bologna

About the Event

Don Giovanni, labeled as a 'dramma giocoso,' has sparked debates due to its apparent oxymoron. However, during Mozart's time, this term simply referred to 'opera buffa,' and the conclusion with a deus ex machina was regarded as positive, as it restored the moral order. Interestingly, this order is embraced by characters from all social classes, adding ambiguity to the narrative. The only irregularity lies in the character of Don Juan himself, a destabilizing force that serves as the essence of the work, a literary and theatrical myth deeply ingrained and destined to endure. Mozart and Da Ponte masterfully imbue the character with depth and nuance, allowing for infinite interpretations that resonate with any period. While a Romantic perspective may lean towards a non-'happy' ending, it is uncertain if this idea originated from the authors. Moreover, the traditional form of the opera, a fusion of the Prague (1787) and Vienna (1788) versions, differs significantly from the original setting.

Cast / Production

Conductor: Martijn Dendievel
Director: Alessandro Talevi
Chorus Master: Gea Garatti Ansini

Characters and interpreters:
Don Giovanni: Nahuel Di Pierro/Vincenzo Nizzardo
Il Commendatore: Abramo Rosalen
Donna Anna: Olga Peretyatko/Valentina Varriale
Don Ottavio: René Barbera/Annibal Mancini
Donna Elvira: Karen Gardeazabal/Alessia Merepeza
Leporello: Davide Giangregorio/Franceco Leone
Masetto: Nicolò Donini
Zerlina: Eleonora Bellocci/Letizia Bertoldi

New production of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Orchestra, Choir and Tecnicians of the TCBO

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