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Cycle: Beethoven Symphonie for piano II at Palais im Großen Garten Dresden

About the Event

»The name Beethoven is sacred in art,« Franz Liszt noted in the preface to his transcriptions of the nine Beethoven symphonies. In this spirit, the second part of the series invites listeners to discover the contrasting sounds of no less than four symphonies. In 1800, Beethoven composed his symphonic debut, whose spirit Liszt’s piano version captures in all its virtuoso sophistication. The »Eroica« demanded yet greater skill from its arranger. The first version of the transcription of the Seventh was created as early as 1843 and was subsequently revised by Liszt one more time. A full fifty years after Symphony No. 8 was composed in 1813, Liszt dedicated himself to its transcription, creating a ravishing rendering of Beethoven’s sonic cosmos.

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