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Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Foto: (c) David Brandt style= Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Foto: (c) David Brandt

Dresdner Musikfestspiele: 'Der Ring' for Children

Dresden, Deutsches Hygiene‐Museum — Main Hall

Free seating  1 h Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 23

About the Event

A family‐friendly adaptation of Richard Wagner's 'Ring Cycle' for children, presented by Taschenoper Lübeck and Dresden Festival Orchestra Brass Quintet. Richard Wagner's “Der Ring des Nibelungen” (The Ring of the Nibelung) features all manner of heroes, gods and mythical creatures, creating a fairytale cosmos in which the fateful ring controls all destinies. The exciting adventure story, which lasts a full sixteen hours in the original and inspired the composer of myths and legends, has now been adapted for young concertgoers by the award‐winning Taschenoper Lübeck. In addition to a wind quintet from the festival's own Dresdner Festspielorchester, a well‐trained ensemble of singers takes everyone (young and old) on a fantastic journey of discovery in the enchanting one‐hour adaptation.


  • Richard Wagner – 'Der Ring' adapted for children
Program is subject to change


Choir: Gesangsensemble der Taschenoper Lübeck
Ensemble: Blechbläserquintett des Dresdner Festspielorchesters


Deutsches Hygiene‐Museum, Lingnerplatz 1, Dresden, Germany — Google Maps

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