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Berliner Philharmoniker & Tugan Sokhiev at Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

About the Event

Ludwig van Beethoven revolutionized the piano concerto, granting it a new symphonic status. In his groundbreaking 'Third' concerto, he broke free from the traditional forms established by his predecessors Mozart and Haydn. This radical transformation is evident not only in the famous dialogue between the piano and timpani but throughout the entire composition.

Similarly, Anton Bruckner's 7th Symphony, which was publicly unveiled in 1884, represented a significant innovation in its genre. Today, it stands as one of the finest masterpieces ever created. Acting as the catalyst for this magnum opus, Artur Nickisch served as the midwife of this symphony. Appointed as the chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic in 1895, Nickisch made history in 1913 by supervising the orchestra's first continuous recording of a symphony.

Jan Lisiecki, the evening's soloist, amazed audiences at the Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden in January 2023, leaving a lasting impression with his virtuosic performance.

Practical Information

The categories on the seating plan are divided as follows:
Category 1 = yellow
Category 2 = pink
Category 3 = red
Category 4 = blue
Category 5 = green
Category 6 = blackberry
Category 7 = dark brown
Category 8 = light brown

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