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Berlin Residence Concerts: Spring fantasies of the Baroque

About the Event

Experience the grandeur of Baroque music at Schloss Charlottenburg — Orangerie in Berlin, stepping back into history. Springtime brings mystical creatures from forests, lakes, and seas to life in the musical works of Telemann, Purcell, and Fischer, creating an enchanting spring program by the Berliner Residenz Ensemble.
The Fairy Queen Suite by Henry Purcell, based on Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', brings a fairytale atmosphere to the concert hall with shadows of the fairy queen Titania and her dancing elves flitting through the royal walls.
Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer's Suite 1 op.1 Le Journal du Printemps showcases the French influence with elegance and dance movements like the Air and Minuet, reflecting the best of German instrumental music from around 1700.
Georg Philipp Telemann's Water Overture TWV 55:C3 plays with the volatile nature of water in a picturesque way, unfolding a mythological panorama with program titles like 'The Playing Naiads' and 'Neptune in Love', bringing legendary creatures and the sounds of the sea to life in the royal concert hall.

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