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Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo: The Mystery of Time

About the Event

Experience the enchanting melodies of classical pieces by Johannes Brahms and Miloslav Kabeláč in this highly‐anticipated concert at Milan's prestigious Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo. Known for their ability to captivate audiences, these celebrated composers will transport you to a world of musical bliss.

Miloslav Kabeláč, often hailed as a pinnacle of Czech culture, mirrored Šostakovič's resilience in his refusal to succumb to evil and his unwavering dedication to humanistic ideals. As Czechoslovakia weathered the storms of Nazi occupation and communist dictatorship, Kabeláč found solace in gazing at the starry sky, ultimately eluding the regime's ideological clutches. His composition, The Mystery of Time, remains an underappreciated masterpiece of 20th‐century European symphonic music, reflecting upon his emotional intrigue and fascination with the cosmic order that governs the universe.

The concert finale showcases Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 2, a revered piece that stands as a true measure of a soloist's skill and endurance. Revered as a staple in concert literature, this concerto will push even the most indomitable performers to their limits, promising an exhilarating conclusion to an evening filled with musical brilliance. Prepare to be transported into a realm of symphonic euphoria as these timeless compositions come alive on stage.

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