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700 years from the death of Marco Polo: Bologna Festival, Il Nuovo, L'Antico, L'Altrove

Bologna, Oratorio San Filippo Neri — Main Hall

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Total Price
$ 30

About the Event

Marco Polo's journey to Asia was not driven by the desire for wealth, power, and honors, but rather by the quest to explore a different form of civilization. 'Il Milione' recounts his voyage as a pursuit of knowledge instead of conquest. Inspired by this belief, 'Non fu mai uomo che cercasse tanto' presents a concert‐reading blending music, images, and words that trace Marco Polo's diverse travels in the Far East and the lands of Persia. Sandro Cappelletto recites selected passages in Franco‐Venetian dialect from 'Il Milione,' intertwined with improvisational musical performances by Kayhan Kalhor and Kiya Tabassian, masters of Persian music playing the kamancheh and setar respectively.

Cast / Production

Sandro Cappelletto dramaturgy and narrating voice
Kayhan Kalhor kamancheh
Kiya Tabassian setar


“Non fu mai uomo che cercasse tanto.”
700 years from the death of Marco Polo
Showing by Bologna Festival and Sandro Cappelletto


Oratorio San Filippo Neri, Via Manzoni 5, Bologna, Italy — Google Maps

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