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Bizet's Carmen

About the Event

The Volksoper in Vienna presents Carmen, Bizet’s classic operatic meditation on themes of love, passion, jealousy, and death.

Set in the Spanish city of Seville, the opera’s hero—the fiery Carmen—woos a young soldier named Don José. The relationship soon becomes a tangled one, José leaving his fiancée, losing his job, and turning to a life of crime. Overcome by jealousy, he murders Carmen after she becomes involved with a bullfighter called Escamillo.

Based on Prosper Mérimée’s eponymous novella, Bizet’s Carmen features a libretto by Meilhac and Halévy. The Volksoper Wien presents this great tale of love and tragedy in German.

Customer Reviews

4.0 of 5

  • Naomi A, France

    Feb 2020

    very good. Carmen was fantastic — voice and performance. So were Don Jose and the 2 female friends.

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