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皮亚佐拉,吉诺斯特拉和斯特拉文斯基最初构思了这些作品,因为它们今天更加诠释。四个布宜诺斯艾利斯站是独立的,阿根廷探戈作曲家皮亚佐拉的岁月1965年到1970年,与俄罗斯作曲家列昂尼德·德斯亚特尼科弗即安排为连接到维瓦尔第的著名的四季的管弦乐组曲之间组成。多才多艺的小提琴手莱蒂西亚·莫雷诺(Leticia Moreno)解释了这项小小的工作,并且提取了一年中每个季节的所有细节。

斯特拉文斯基和Alberto希纳斯特拉有共同的两个,这从他们自己创作的芭蕾做了件“套装”的说法相吻合:爱的不同来源的两个年轻人之间的凯旋。在埃斯坦西亚芭蕾舞套房火鸟的工作的影响力确立了新的音乐模式,扩展视野,舞蹈家和观众震撼观众,可见一斑。虽然气氛非常不同 — 在斯特拉文斯基,一个奇妙的故事在Ginastera中,有一段Gauchos的历史 — 节奏充满活力,充满活力,场景和角色完全通过音乐描述。


Orquestra Simfònica Camera Musicae

Orquestra Simfònica Camera Musicae (OCM), founded in 2006, enjoyed a great welcoming from the public due to their work in disseminating classical music among very diverse crowds, especially by targeting the young music‐lover audience. They have performed in venues such as Auditorio Nacional de Madrid, Auditori de Barcelona, Palau de la Música Catalana and Teatre Tarragona among others, having a stable musical season with their own productions at Palau de la Música and Teatre Tarragona.

Tomas Grau is the permanent artistic director and conductor, and since the 2017‐2018 season, Salvador Mas initiated the role of main conductor. OCM launched their resident project at Auditori del Tívoli in Vendrell during the 2009‐2010, currently ongoing.

Orquestra Simfònica Camera Musicae has collaborated with conductors such as Antoni Ros Marbà, Salvador Brotons, John Rutter, Diego Martin‐Etxebarria, Josep Vila i Casañas, Xavier Puig, Manel Valdivieso and Virginia Martínez, and soloists like Stephen Kovacevich, Sabine Meyer, Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Alexandra Soumm, Asier Polo, Judith Jáuregui, Massimo Spadano, Rafael Aguirre, Claudi Arimany, Albert Guinovart, Núria Rial or Àngel Òdena, among others.

Despite developing their main activities in Catalunya, OCM regularly performs around Spain and has toured Germany, Czech Republic and Switzerland. They have recorded Tempesta esvaïda (heritage recovery), De Catalunya al món, Un conte de Nadal and Mediterráneo.

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