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St. Ephrem Church:肖邦和贝多芬音乐会


巴黎教堂烛光音乐会。 音乐会您将能欣赏到肖邦和贝多芬的作品。 

教堂音乐会是巴黎人生活中不可缺少的一部分。 无论是结婚庆祝或是新生儿接受洗礼,美丽神圣的音乐总是形影不离。您是否不能在教堂举办公主式的婚礼而感到遗憾? 您是否从未走进过教堂,体验教堂文化? 你是否向往像法国人生活一天,了解神秘的异域文化? 那么请您走进巴黎著名的 St. Ephrem 教堂 。St. Ephrem 教堂常年举办音乐会,他们演奏曲目丰富,并经常邀请音乐界著名艺术家前来献艺。


4.0 of 5

  • Ruth B., United Kingdom

    05月 2012年

    Excellent performance of Chopin by Florian Billot, his fingers flew over the keyboard of a lovely sounding piano in a chapel with great acoustics, it was beautiful. Only annoyance for us was that the audience took a while to settle down and make sure that camera and phone 'beeps' were silenced. Late arrivals also created a disturbance which was distracting during the first three pieces.

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