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dsudl: das schwere und das leichte: styriarte 2011


Various soloists presents a work of musical research by Bertl Mütter.

Bertl Mütter is not only one of styriarte’s regular performers, he is also one of the very first students of a new doctoral programme (Artistic Research Programme) offered by the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts, leading to a new type of doctoral degree (Dr. artium). In his ensemble piece, "dsudl", Bertl Mütter investigates questions surrounding creativity and virtuosity. What are these? How should they be dealt with? How do they behave?

Join him in his quest for answers to these and more questions in what promises to be an exciting evening of musical research.

This performance is a collaboration with the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts as part of the Artistic Research doctoral programme.

Agnes Heginger, soprano
Markus Sepperer, english horn & oboe
Ernesto Molinari, clarinet
Bertl Mütter, trombone and voice
Ernst Kovacic, violin
Peter Sigl, violoncello
Franziska Fleischanderl, dulcimer & soprano
Miki Skuta, piano

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