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巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞:马兹·艾克Mats Ek


来自瑞典的马兹·艾克Mats Ek将为巴黎歌剧院带来两部芭蕾舞剧: 贝尔纳达的家(The House of Bernarda)和一种…(A sort of)。

《贝尔纳达的家》(The House of Bernarda)受到了西班牙作家Federico García Lorca's戏剧的启发,表现了宗教同家庭的对立。

舞剧《一种…》(A sort of)邀请您进入一个美丽的梦幻世界。 舞剧表现了复杂的人性和爱的美妙。

The House of Bernarda
Ballet in one act
After the play by Federico Garcia Lorca
Johann Sebastian Bach, Music, and traditional Spanish music
Mats Ek, Choreography
Marie‐Louise Ekman, Sets and costumes
Jörgen Jansson, Lighting

A sort of…
Henryk Gorecki, Music
Mats Ek, Choreography
Maria Geber, Sets and costumes
Ellen Ruge, Lighting

The Étoiles, Principal Dancers and Corps de Ballet
Recorded music

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