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巴黎圣礼拜教堂音乐会&Les Fous de l'Ile饭店晚宴


在__巴黎圣礼拜教堂(Le Sainte Chapelle)__欣赏音乐会并享用巴黎烛光晚餐。__
参观巴黎最令人叹为观止的景点之一圣礼拜教堂,同时在这里欣赏古典音乐会。音乐会后,您可以尽情在位于圣路易岛的Les Fous de l'Ile饭店享用美味佳肴。

“Les Fous de l'Ile”饭店深受巴黎当地人和国际游客的喜爱。这里融合了传统法国美食和创意食谱。享用三道菜的餐点后,漫步在历史悠久的巴黎街道上,前往圣礼拜堂(15分钟步行)。圣礼拜堂色彩缤纷的彩色玻璃窗和哥特式拱门是巴黎古典建筑的经典。在这里巴黎古典管弦乐界最有天赋的艺术家将为您演奏古典和巴洛克风格作品。


- 所有儿童必须有成人陪伴。
- 学生折扣票只适用于admission等级区。

请注意:Children under 10只使用于有大人陪同的10岁以下儿童。


We recommend that you arrive at the Sainte‐Chapelle no later than 45 minutes before the beginning of the concert.
The Sainte‐Chapelle is located at 8 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris, France.

Please note that the doors close 5 minutes before the beginning of the concerts and visitors who arrive late will NOT be admitted to the concert.

After the concert you can go directly to the restaurant to enjoy your dinner. You can show your e‐ticket upon arrival at the restaurant Fous de l'île about one hour and a half after the beginning of your concert.
33 Rue des Deux Ponts, 75004 Paris.

Please note that there is a 15 minutes walk between the Restaurant and the Sainte‐Chapelle. Many taxis are available at that time if your party prefers not to walk.



4.5 of 5

  • Melanie T, USA

    09月 2019年

    Absolutely amazing evening in the most incredible setting. This will definitely be on my list of travel highlights!


    08月 2019年

    Well worth it….would highly recommend the La Sainte Chapelle concert to anyone who appreciates brilliant architecture and music.

  • CLAUDE L, France

    06月 2019年

    Attention à la propreté des lieux de spectacle Poubelles non videes et piano couvert de poussière


    06月 2019年

    Strength of the concert was the strength of the performers. Skilled and very talented professionals who unveiled their personalities to the audience. We have seen performances all over the world and of these same well loved artists‐this was one of the most memorable. Lead violinist just amazing. Paris.

  • Carol R, USA

    05月 2019年

    Fabulous! Wonderful concert…..more than expected! In a most impressive setting. And the meal was one of our most memorable here in Paris. Friendly service, creative dishes but just excellent flavorful food. Kudos to the chef and staff. The cheesecake with passion fruit is not to be missed

  • Jennifer D, USA

    05月 2019年

    Very cultural and wonderful experience for the senses. The music was beautiful and the violinists were passionate, the interior of the church is aesthetically pleasing as well. The dinner afterwards was delicious, definitely worth the experience!

  • Charlene M, USA

    05月 2019年

    Perfect venue for a concert! Spectacular‐ even though it was not a really sunny evening. The performers were excellent. We had seen Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons performed in Venice and this performance seemed to be played with more emotion!! Lovely walk to restaurant on Isle St Louis. Dinner was wonderful. Money well spent!!!

  • Gerardo M, Argentina

    01月 2017年



    04月 2016年


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