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沉浸在托斯卡纳的美味佳肴中,欣赏普契尼、威尔第和罗西尼等著名作曲家的歌剧咏叹调以及那不勒斯传统歌曲的迷人表演。晚上将在佛罗伦萨最好的餐厅之一享用美食晚餐,该餐厅位于迷人的 "Oltrarno "街区。随后,您将在圣马可圣公会教堂(St. Mark's Anglican Church)欣赏到意大利古典音乐大师的作品,这将是一次难忘的经历。

让迷人的 "Bel Canto "将您带入一个诞生于16世纪的歌剧世界。在奥尔特拉尔诺(Oltrarno)一家装饰着乡村家具和古董的迷人餐厅里,品尝佛罗伦萨最美味的披萨。最后,在十五世纪教堂的永恒氛围中,在现场音乐和才华横溢的歌唱家的美妙歌声中结束晚会。由女高音、女中音、男高音、男中音和男低音演唱的世界著名和声旋律将在圣莫纳卡教堂的文艺复兴氛围中回荡。波希米亚人》、《茶花女》、《托斯卡》、《塞维利亚理发师》和《蝴蝶夫人》等耳熟能详的浪漫歌剧咏叹调将给观众留下难以磨灭的印象。


请确保您在演出开始前 20 分钟内准时到达音乐会现场。


品尝意大利比萨和我们最著名的甜点 "Tiramisù",包括饮料





4.3 of 5

  • James P, USA

    01月 2019年

    It is most unique experience for an opera lover in Florence…you cant not get that close and intimate to a talented baritone, tenor, or soprano in US

  • Vanessa P, Italia

    01月 2019年

    I cantanti sono molto bravi e sanno coinvolgere il pubblico. Unica pecca, la chiesa non riscaldata.

  • Michiel N, Netherlands

    01月 2019年

    We attended already several performances in the last 2 years, but this time we bought combination tickets for the concert and the dinner. The show was 100%, as always and we were pleasantly surprised by these menu as well as the special atmosphere in the restaurant, less than 150 meters from St. Marc's. The arrangement is super, because where would you be able to have a delicious Tuscan dinner starting at 19:00 hrs end be easily on time for the concert?

  • Deanna J, USA

    11月 2018年

    Osteria Toscanella was a great restaurant. Food was tasty and served promptly. The manager is a gem who welcomed everyone, told us about the history of his restaurant and was terrific. All other staff were kind and attentive. Concert was right around the corner at St. Marks Anglican Church. The program was a variety of arias from various operas with a baritone and soprano singing. The were fantastic, very expressive and quite talented. The accompanying pianist had a great sense of humor and pacing and we appreciated his music as well. There is a brief intermission during which you can look around the sanctuary, have a glass of prosecco and make a donation to one of the church's mission programs, which we were very happy to do. The staff even kindly called us a taxi to get back to our hotel at the end. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening and thought it well worth the time and money.

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