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Vivaldi's Juditha Triumphans: The King's Consort at Versailles


Experience Vivaldi's dramatic oratorio in true period style. Surrounded by the Baroque delights of Versailles, Robert King leads an all‐female cast in this allegorical tale, with his acclaimed King's Consort.

Commissioned to celebrate Venetian victory over the Turks at Corfu, Vivaldi's score makes rich and unusual use of the instruments available to him. Multiple theorbos, viols d'amore, mandolins and baroque clarinets complement the string orchestra and solo voices, lead in this instance by Malena Ernman.


The King’s Consort
Robert King

Malena Ernman Juditha
Gaia Petrone Abra
Hilary Summers Ozias
Marianne Beate Kielland Holofernes
Julia Doyle Vagaus

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