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    Terme di Caracalla

托斯卡:卡拉卡拉 2024

罗马, 卡拉卡浴场 (Terme di Caracalla) — Main Hall

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$ 151



音乐 贾科莫-普契尼


《托斯卡》是贾科莫-普契尼在 19 世纪末创作的一部三幕歌剧。 剧本由朱塞佩-贾科萨和路易吉-伊利卡创作。

该剧以 1800 年拿破仑入侵意大利期间的罗马为背景,通过一些普契尼最强烈的抒情和戏剧性音乐,描绘了酷刑、谋杀、自杀以及爱情、嫉妒和信念。 全剧主题动机的使用仿效了瓦格纳的技巧,很明显,普契尼希望《托斯卡》成为一部音乐剧作品。 这部歌剧在 1900 年初首演时并未获得好评,但却立即获得了观众的成功,这一趋势一直延续至今。

第一幕:政治犯安杰洛蒂刚刚从圣安杰洛城堡逃出,并在附近教堂的家族小教堂中寻求庇护。一名圣职人员带着画家卡瓦拉多西进入教堂,后者正在继续创作一幅抹大拉的马利亚肖像。安杰洛蒂现身并请求朋友的帮助,但当画家的情人、著名歌剧演员弗洛里娅-托斯卡进来时,他又躲了起来。 托斯卡起了疑心,但卡瓦拉多西向她保证了自己的忠诚,这对恋人计划晚些时候见面。



第二幕:卡瓦拉多西被捕。斯卡皮亚将托斯卡从楼下庭院的音乐会上叫来,试图从托斯卡口中套出安杰洛蒂的藏身之处,但她辩称不知情,于是斯卡皮亚加大了赌注,对卡瓦拉多西严刑拷打。 托斯卡说出了秘密,向斯卡皮亚索要卡瓦拉多西的自由作为回报。痛不欲生的卡瓦拉多西听到斯卡皮亚命令手下前往安杰洛蒂的藏身之处,于是诅咒托斯卡。




枪声响起,托斯卡恳求卡瓦拉多西等士兵走后再行动,但她惊恐地发现,行刑竟是真的。 遥远的喊声宣告斯卡皮亚被杀的消息。当士兵们冲进来抓住托斯卡时,她诅咒斯卡皮亚的背叛,并从城堡的护栏上跳下摔死。


  • 吉亚卡摩·普契尼 – Tosca


指挥Antonino Fogliani
指挥:Francesco Micheli

合唱团指挥:Ciro Visco
创意设计和布景:Massimiliano E Doriana Fuksas
服装设计师:Giada Masi
视频:Luca Scarzella、Michele Innocente、Matteo Castiglioni

托斯卡:卡门-吉安纳塔西奥/索尼娅-永切娃 7 月 24 日、31 日
马里奥-卡瓦拉多西:萨米尔-皮尔古/维托里奥-格里戈罗 7 月 24 日、31 日/阿尔森-索霍莫尼扬 8 月 3 日、7 日、9 日
男爵斯卡皮亚:克劳迪奥-斯格拉/罗伯托-弗朗塔利 7 月 17、24、26、31 日
圣职者:Domenico Colaianni
Spoletta: Saverio Fiore
Angelotti: Vladimir Sazdovski

Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Orchestra and Chorus
with the Partecipation of Scuola di Canto Corale

New Production

Baths of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla are one of the best remaining examples of the ancient public baths of Rome. The city´s second largest Roman thermae, or public baths, Caracalla is the only site in which it has been possible to restore the original decorative scheme. Built during the reigns of the Emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla (212 AD to 216 AD), under imperial patronage, the baths were immensely popular. Contemporary descriptions create a picture of oriental paving in coloured marble, enormous marble columns, glass paste mosaics, painted stucco, marbled walls and hundreds of colossal statues. Nonetheless, the baths fell into disuse in the 6th Century, and were allowed to decay. Extensive excavations in the 19th and 20th Centuries returned the Baths to their current state. Since 2001, this spectacular venue hosts concerts and performances of operas on a movable stage outwith the main structure, so as not to put stress on the ancient ruins.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.


卡拉卡浴场 (Terme di Caracalla), Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 罗马, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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