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The Bartered Bride: State Operetta Dresden


The Dresden State Operetta continues its season of operatic works with a beautiful production of Smetana’s timeless comedic opera The Bartered Bride, a sidesplittingly hilarious tale of true love triumphing over adversity.

Composed in the early 1860s, Smetana’s The Bartered Bride is widely regarding by critics as having heralded a new age in Bohemian composition and music. Smetana’s own work is beautifully complemented by the inclusion of a libretto by Czech national poet Karel Sabina.

Performed in German


Musical director: Andreas Schüller
Production: Arne Böge
Décor: Hendrik Scheel
Choreography: Radek Stopka
Choir production: Thomas Runge
Dramaturgy: Heiko Cullmann
Technical director: Mario Radicke

Kruschina, ein Bauer: Christian Grygas
Gerd Wiemer
Kathinka, Kuschinas Frau: Elke Kottmair
Ingeborg Schöpf
Micha, Grundbesitzer: Herbert G. Adami
Agnes, seine Frau: Carolin Masur
Wenzel, beider Sohn: Hauke Möller
Andreas Sauerzapf
Kezal, Heiratsvermittler: Elmar Andree
Frank Blees
Zirkusdirektor: Barry Coleman
Frank Ernst
Esmeralda, Tänzerin: Julia Ebert
Jeannette Oswald
Marie, Tochter von Kruschina und Kathinka: Tatjana Gazdik
Nadine Sträter
Hans, Michas Sohn aus erster Ehe: Richard Samek
Steffen Schantz

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