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指挥:Ulf Schirmer |导演:Bal√°zs Kovalik |舞台设计:Heike Scheele |服装设计:Bettina Walter |合唱:Alessandro Zuppardo |儿童合唱:Sophie Bauer |编剧:Christian Geltinger

三幕剧|霍夫曼·史达尔(Hugo von Hofmannsthal)剧本


Conductor: Ulf Schirmer
Director: Balázs Kovalik
Stage design: Heike Scheele
Costume design: Bettina Walter
Choir: Alessandro Zuppardo
Children's choir: Sophie Bauer
Dramaturgy: Christian Geltinger

The Empress: Erika Sunnegardh, Simona Schneider
The Emperor: Johan Botha, Robert Dean Smith, Burkhard Fritz
Nurse: Karin Lovelius
The Guardian of the Threshold: Danae Kontora
The Voice of the Falcon: Olena Tokar
A Voice from Above: Sandra Janke
The Dyer's Wife: Jennifer Wilson
1st Servant: Magdalena Hinterdobler
2nd Servant: Olena Tokar
3rd Servant: Sandra Janke
The Messenger of Keikobad: Tuomas Pursio
The Apparition of a Youth: Patrick Vogel
Barak: Franz Grundheber
The One‐eyed Man: Jonathan Michie
The One‐armed Man: Sejong Chang
The Hunchback: Dan Karlström

Choir and children's choir of the Oper Leipzig

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