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Musical Treasures of Baroque: Wratislavia‐Cantans Festival


The violin wizard Enrico Onofri returns to Wratislavia Cantans, and he won the audience's hearts three years ago. Also this time, he will perform with his Imaginarium Ensemble, whose members are experts in the field of Italian Baroque music. The group will allow us to take a look at the life of a Wrocław violinist in the 17th century – we listen to hear sworks that were popular at that time, we will see what virtuosity and improvisation skills were required of the soloists.



Giovanni Bassano Ricercata seconda from Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie (Venice 1585 Breslau manucript version)
Giulio Mussi da Lodi La Spelada – canzona from Il primo libro delle canzoni op. 5 (Venice 1620)
Biagio Marini La Orlandina – symphony, La Gardana – symphony and La Caotorta – galiard from Affetti musicali op. 1 (Venice 1617)
Giovanni Bassano Ricercata terza from Ricercate, passaggi et cadentie (Venice 1585 Breslau manuscript version)
Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde Canzon terza from Canzoni, Fantasie et Correnti (Venice 1638)
Giovanni Battista Fontana Sonata terza from Sonate a 1, 2, 3 (Venice 1641)
Stephen Nau Fantasia 7, Fantasia 6 (Breslau manuscript, Mus. MS 114)
Dario Castello Sonata prima from Sonate concertate in stil moderno (Venice 1640)
Stephen Nau Ballet Mercury and Berg[a]masca [von] Nürrnberg bekommen (Breslau manuscript, Mus. MS 114)
Giovanni Legrenzi La Colloreta – sonata from Sonate a due e tre (Venice 1655)
Stephen Nau Fantasia 47 (Breslau manuscript, Mus. MS 114)
Biagio Marini Sonata variata from Sonate, symphonie, canzoni (…) op. 8 (Venice 1629)
Francesco Rognoni Vestiva i colli del Palest[r]ina – Modo di passeggiar con diverse inventioni non regolate al canto z Selva de varii passaggi (…) (Milan 1620 Breslau manuscript version)


Ensemble Imaginarium:
Enrico Onofri – violin, music direction
Luca Guglielmi – harpsichord
Simone Vallerotonda – archlute

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