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Lux Aeterna: Notre‐Dame de Paris


Henri Chalet and Sofi Jeannin conduct the adult choir of the Maîtrise Notre‐Dame de Paris and the Maîtrise de Radio France, accompanied by organist Yves Castagnet, in a program of sacred works by Pizzetti, Bach, Nystedt, Elgar, and more.

Hear the soaring sounds of sacred music in the spectacular atmosphere of Notre‐Dame de Paris Cathedral.


预订音乐会票,免去排队之苦,更好感受巴黎圣母院的魅力。因参观巴黎圣母院人数众多,游客往往要排队等待很长时间。 预订音乐会门票,您可以近距离在安静的环境内,体验这座教堂的独特之美。


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