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La Bohème: Teatro Comunale di Bologna


Experience Giacomo Puccini's La Bohème in a new interpretation by director Graham Vick at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna.


The price categories correspond to the following areas of the seating plan:

1 — Orchestra, I‐II Tier Central Boxes
2 — I‐II Tier Side Boxes, III‐IV Tier Central Boxes
3 — III‐IV Tier Side Boxes


Conductor: Francesco Ivan Ciampa
Director: Graham Vick
Stage & Costume Design: Richard Hudson
Lighting Design: Giuseppe di Iorio
Assistant to the Director: Lorenzo Nencini
Assistant Stage Designer: Justin Arienti
Assistant Costume Designer:Elena Cicorella
Children's Chorus: Alhambra Superchi
Chorus Master: Alberto Malazzi

Mimì: Benedetta Torre, Karen Gardeazabal
Musetta: Valentina Mastrangelo, Nina Solodovnikova
Rodolfo: Rame Lahaj, Francesco Castoro
Marcello: Andrea Vincenzo Bonsignore, Vincenzo Nizzardo
Schaunard: Paolo Ingrasciotta, Pierluigi Dilengite
Colline: Alessio Cacciamani, Francesco Leone
Benoit/Alcindoro: Bruno Lazzaretti

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