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Journey to Italy: Waldensian Auditorium in Rome


Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of Rome's breathtaking Waldensian Auditorium for a special concert including famous compositions by Palestrina, Scarlatti, Allegri, Monteverdi, Frescobaldi and Pergolesi.

The organ, an instrument of the church and of praise to God, will surprise you with its changing voice: grandiose, subdued, hieratic, supplicating, joyful, never cold and distant, accompanied by a famous vocal ensemble that exalts its timbre.
A 500 year walk through a repertoire that is sometimes sophisticated and experimental, sometimes solemn or humble and popular. From the fantasy of the toccatas and the contrapuntal wisdom of Frescobaldi, to the virtuosity of the concert studio of Manari, passing through the brilliance of the sonatas of Scarlatti or Pergolesi, and finally the elegant romanticism of Bossi.
We will accompany you by the hand to discover the majesty of the most beautiful Italian pieces for Organ.


5.0 of 5

  • Carmit G, Israel

    02月 2019年

    Very good organ player and choire singer s.

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