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John Rutter: Palau de la Música Catalana


Profit from the unique opportunity to hear John Rutter conduct his own compositions, at Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. The British conductor and composer is one of the most important figures in the international choral music scene.

Rutter's music is lyrical, sensitive, and offers unforgettable melodies.

Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català
Cor de Noies de l’Orfeó Català
Elin Manahan Thomas, soprano
Catrin Finch, harp
Orquestra Camera Musicae
John Rutter, conductor



Orfeó Català系列
Orfeó Català系列音乐会以合唱乐为主。届时西班牙国内及国外之知名艺术家将为您演唱他们的成名之作。

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