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巴黎, Eglise Saint‐Louis‐en‐l'Île — Main Hall

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$ 49



加布里埃尔-福雷最著名的作品之一,D 小调《福雷安魂曲》(作品 48)将在这场引人入胜的演出中上演。这首安魂曲创作于他的音乐鼎盛时期,于 1888 年 1 月 16 日在玛德莱娜教堂首演。这首极具个人风格的安魂曲被认为是 19 世纪最优美的安魂曲之一,其中有多首乐曲能毫不费力地激起西方合唱音乐爱好者的情感共鸣。

沃尔夫冈-阿玛迪斯-莫扎特的《A大调单簧管协奏曲》(K 622)创作于 1791 年,就在他英年早逝的前几周,在古典音乐爱好者心中占有特殊的地位。作为莫扎特的最后一部独奏协奏曲,也是他唯一一部专门为单簧管创作的作品,这部杰作按照古典协奏曲的形式分为三个乐章:快板、慢板和回旋曲。当单簧管站在舞台中央时,您将感受到莫扎特天才的光芒。

加利亚》是查尔斯-古诺(Charles Gounod)于 1871 年为伦敦世界博览会而创作的,充分展示了作曲家的才华和创造力。巴黎当时的惨状与公元前 597 年尼布甲尼撒二世(Nebuchadnezzar II)摧毁古耶路撒冷的情景如出一辙,受此启发,古诺创作了这首《哀歌》,反映了悲剧和失落的深刻情感。当古诺通过他的音乐捕捉到绝望和坚韧的本质时,您将沉浸在加利亚令人回味的声音中。



  • 夏尔·古诺 – Gallia
  • 加布里埃尔·于尔班·福莱 – Requiem
  • 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特 – Concerto de Clarinette


乐团: Orchestra Hélios

Youth, ambition, eclecticism: the Helios orchestra's mission is to integrate young musicians into the world of work through orchestral practice.

As an associative orchestra, created by the will of its artistic director Paul Savalle, it allows young graduates, or those in the process of graduation, to perfect their skills with orchestra musicians and experienced conductors, under optimal working conditions.

Founded in 2014, the Hélios orchestra has gradually established itself in the French orchestral landscape. It offers a wide range of programmes, from baroque to contemporary music. Its repertoire is both symphonic and choral, thanks to the involvement of the local choirs. The orchestra attaches great importance to this network: the association of the orchestra and the departmental and regional choirs is essential in its artistic approach. The collaboration of different conductors is also an essential part of the project, which allows musicians to approach a rich and varied repertoire and broaden their range of performances.

指挥: Matthieu Cabanes
合唱团: Choeur Hélios Ephémère
长笛: Nicolas Crivelli


Eglise Saint‐Louis‐en‐l'Île, 19, rue Saint‐Louis‐en‐l'Île, 巴黎, 法国 — 查看谷歌地图

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