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在这场备受期待的音乐会中,他将在博洛尼亚大气磅礴的圣菲利普-内里清真寺(Oratorio di San Filippo Neri)演奏音乐杰作。

劳拉-卡特拉尼的声音,是我们这个时代许多作曲家的参考诠释者之一,越来越多地在新音乐和早期音乐的相反但互补的海岸之间移动。与克劳迪奥-阿斯特罗尼奥(Claudio Astronio)的合作所产生的 "流水 "路线,显示出一种彩虹般的变化性质,绕过水道,其本质是流动和高度移动的,一边是汉德尔、珀塞尔和芭芭拉-斯特罗齐,另一边是贝里奥、格拉斯和玛丽安-菲斯福尔。


Barbara Strozzi
L'Eraclito amoroso for voice and harpsichord

Luciano Berio
Sequenza III for solo voice

Joseph N. P. Royer Vertigo for harpsichord Andreas Pflüger Niedriger Wasser for voice and organ Marianne FaithfullRoyer
Vertigo for harpsichord

Andreas Pflüger
Niedriger Wasser for voice and organ

Marianne Faithfull
Deep water for voice and harpsichord

Leonardo Marino
Gutta cavat lapidem for solo voice

Henry Purcell
The cold song for voice and organ

Philip Glass
Mad Rush for organ

Georg Friedrich Händel
D'una torbida sorgente for voice and harpsichord

Florence and The Machine
What the water gave me for voice and organ

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