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Festliche Lieder im Oktett — DIVERTIMENTO VOCALE BERLIN


Divertimento Vocale Berlin immediately convinces with its vocally balanced sound. At its festive concert in the French Cathedral on the Gendarmenmarkt, the young 8‐member vocal ensemble sings music that is seldom heard, thus reviving the almost forgotten tradition of vocal art.
This concert is to be recommended to anyone who would like to be sung live by the angelic voices. Festive Christmas songs are sung by Friederike Wrobel & Antonia Biemer (soprano), Anja Trekel & Cäcilia Vormstein (alto), Pedro Matos & Armin Horn (tenor), Christoph Biemer (bass) & Ingo Bussmann (bass). A moment that is destined for inner reflection and the end of the year.


5.0 of 5

  • Sigi H, Deutschland

    01月 2019年

    Es war eine sehr schöne Veranstaltung.Dieser tolle Acapella Gesang war uns eine festliche Einstimmung auf Weihnachten.Schöne Stimmen und eine zauberhafte Atmosphäre.

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