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Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra: Fireworks of Classical Music


On New Year's Eve, the Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Damiano Binetti, traditionally ignites the 'Fireworks of Classical Music' in the concert hall of the UdK. The well‐known orchestra knows how to present a mixture of the best and most atmospheric compositions of the above mentioned composers. And since New Year's Eve dance is a perfect match, the Johann Strauss Ballet Prague accompanies the concert with beautiful and virtuoso dance interludes. Well‐known melodies by Franz Léhar, from 'Carmen', 'Die Fledermaus' or 'Don Giovanni' as well as the 'Hungarian Dance' by J. Brahms are part of a mixed programme with which one likes to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one cheerfully.


5.0 of 5

  • Ferdinand S, Deutschland

    12月 2019年

    Alles bestens,meine Frau aus Ungarn ist hin und weg,sie liebt so die Operette

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