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在令人惊叹的巴黎圣埃弗雷姆教堂(Eglise Saint‐Ephrem),体验一个真正非凡的钢琴经典之夜。准备好被路德维希-凡-贝多芬、约翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫、弗雷德里克-肖邦、谢尔盖-瓦西里耶维奇-拉赫玛尼诺夫和恩里克-格拉纳多斯等著名作曲家的永恒杰作所吸引吧。这个迷人的音乐会场地是让您沉浸在这些经典作品的美丽和优雅之中的绝佳场所。千万不要错过欣赏这场非凡音乐演出的机会,才华横溢的钢琴家将把您带入一个充满崇高旋律和深厚情感的世界。


有效证件的学生及失业人士可以购买特别票(reduced price)。


5.0 of 5

  • Dan L, USA

    02月 2024年

    I am an amateur piano player and love listening to classical piano playing. I have been fortunate to listen to many performances across the world and even many times at St ephrem. I think Antonin Bonin is one of the brilliant pianists that i have heard live. His compositions were all incredibly difficult. Each note struck with some clarity and precision. I always try and sit left side second row, aisle so i can get a good view of both pianist and keyboard. I don’t think he opened his eyes once. How he knows where he is on the keyboard at all times is to me another unknown otherworldly mystery. Just an inspirational performance

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