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Camerata RCO Plays Vivaldi's The Four Seasons: Summer Concerts at Concertgebouw


The Camerata RCO perform Vivaldi's most famous composition, The Four Seasons, under the musical direction of Jan Willem de Vriend.

Alongside Vivaldi's masterpiece of baroque music, excerpts from operas by Rossini, Cherubini, Verdi and Puccini will also be on the program of this concert.


Robeco SummerNights 系列音乐会上,听众在两个月的时间内,可以欣赏到从古典到爵士,从巴莱歌舞表演到电影配音音乐等风格多样的精彩音乐会。来自荷兰国内外的顶级艺术家将为您带来精彩的表演和众多惊喜。在美丽的明镜音乐大厅内的饭店内,听众还可以享受音乐会前的三道晚宴。同时,您还可以在演出开始前,近距离参观音乐厅 (参观费用自理,可以现场缴费)。

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