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    © Michiel Hendryckx


巴登-巴登, 巴登-巴登音乐节演出大厅

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$ 155


我们重新安排了年终演出的时间!我们将在 12 月初演奏贝多芬的《第九交响曲》,而不是传统的时间。这场演出是在前一天蒙特威尔第的 "圣诞晚祷 "之后进行的。贝多芬的《第九交响曲》融合了世俗和精神元素,特别是在宗教性的快板和赞美诗般的最后合唱部分。说到合唱团,值得一提的是,本场演出将由菲利普-赫雷韦格指挥,他曾在五月份与帕特里夏-科帕钦斯卡雅合作指挥过勃拉姆斯和舒曼的演出。赫雷韦格拥有合唱和声乐背景,是在贝多芬强烈共鸣的歌声中展现天堂般轻盈的理想指挥。


  • 路德维希·凡·贝多芬 – 9. Symphonie d‐Moll op. 125


指挥: 菲利普·赫尔维格(Philippe Herreweghe)

比利时指挥家菲利普·赫尔维格非常擅长阐释写过一千左右部作品的德国作曲家巴赫的乐曲。1970年以来他担任肯特古乐合唱团的音乐总监。 他也是巴黎香榭丽舍剧院室内乐团的指挥。

乐团: Orchestre des Champs-Élysées

In 1991 Philippe Herreweghe founded the Orchestre des Champs-Élysées. He named it after the theatre to which it was initially affiliated. Its aim: to perform classical and romantic works on the instruments used when the pieces were written. In order to achieve a convincing sound, Herreweghe demands original instruments or, if necessary, has them reconstructed, studying the makeup and placements of period orchestras. After starting with Haydn and Mozart, he has now advanced with his work to Gustav Mahler and Anton Bruckner.

合唱团: Collegium Vocale Gent

Collegium Vocale Gent was founded in 1970 on the initiative of Philippe Herreweghe.

It was one of the first ensembles to use the then‐new ideas about baroque practice in vocal music performances. Musicians such as Gustav Leonhardt, Ton Koopman and Nikolaus Harnoncourt immediately took an interest in the Flemish ensemble’s fresh, new approach, which led to intensive collaboration.

In the mid‐1980s the ensemble acquired international fame and was invited to all the major concert halls and music festivals of Europe, Israel, the United States, Russian, South America, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia.

男高音: Ilker Arcayürek
女高音: Eleonore Lyons
次女高音: Sophie Harmsen
Bass: Florian Boesch


巴登-巴登音乐节演出大厅, Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, 巴登-巴登, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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